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Taskforce Team Profile - Shannon Dennis

Marketing @ Taskforce

Updated: Apr 8, 2024

We’re shining a spotlight on the talents and stories of our exceptional team. Introducing Shannon Dennis, our Gas Plumbing Supervisor with an impressive 20-year tenure in the trade. 

How long have you been in your trade for? 

A: 20 years 

When did you join Taskforce? 

A: 3 years ago 

Q: What do you like best about being part of Taskforce? 

A: Taskforce doesn’t require much manual labour from me, which is a great change of pace. But the best part is the people, it’s a really good team and management is very approachable if you ever have an issue.

Q: Tell us about your most memorable / funniest call out. 

A: For a Taskforce job, we went to a hoarder's apartment. The piles of stuff were chest high and there was a path from room to room 200mm wide. That's it, no more room. 

Q: What is your top tip for someone just starting out in a trade? 

A: Start as young as possible, and try to bank as much as you can while your body can still perform at 100% because one day...... it won't! 

Q: What’s your current favourite tune on your playlist? 

A: My Blood or Car Radio - by Twenty One Pilots. 

Q: If you were to hold a Bunnings sausage sizzle what cause would you raise money for? 

A: Children's Cancer

Feeling inspired by Shannon’s story? If you're eager to increase your jobs with the Taskforce team or your circumstances have changed to allow you to take on different jobs, get in touch!

Interested in Warranty Work? Email

Interested in Safety Check work? Email

Any other questions - call 1300 818 138.

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