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Keeping up with Rental Minimum Standards

Marketing @ Taskforce

Updated: May 17, 2024

As the Victorian rental market undergoes significant regulatory changes, it's crucial for landlords and property managers to stay informed and, most importantly, compliant. 

In March of 2021, the Victorian Government enforced minimum rental standards for all rental properties to create a fairer, safer system for all Victorians. Unfortunately, some landlords have continued to flout regulations despite the state government implementing more than 130 rental reforms in 2021.

To address this issue, a dedicated task force has been established to crack down on false advertising, substandard properties, and non-compliance with bond lodgement requirements. All Residential Rental Providers (RRPs) need to make sure their property meets the minimum standards on or before the day a renter moves in. Failure to do so is a criminal offence with maximum fines of up to $57,000 if the property is owned by a company and $11,000 for individual owners. Both Property Managers and owners risk being named and shamed on a new Rental Non-compliance Register maintained by Consumer Affairs Victoria.

Property Managers should be aware that they can be listed on a public Rental Non-Compliance Register if they lease a property which doesn't meet minimum standards.

The rental minimum standards cover 14 key categories, as stipulated by the Victorian Government, ranging from door locks and ventilation to electrical safety and structural soundness. 

The 14 categories of minimum compliance are:
  • Door locks

  • Ventilation

  • Window coverings

  • Windows

  • Vermin-proof bins

  • Lighting

  • Heating

  • Toilets

  • Bathroom facilities

  • Kitchen facilities

  • Laundry facilities

  • Mould and dampness

  • Structural soundness

  • Electrical safety

If a property fails to meet the minimum standards in any of those categories at any time during a rental agreement, renters have the right to contact the RRP or agents for urgent repairs.


At Taskforce we believe it makes sense to keep regular track of the status of these categories over the lifetime of the rental agreement. This also prevents smaller and easy to fix issues from escalating into major problems. 

We recommend that agents check each of these categories during regular rental inspections alongside comprehensive Rental Minimum Standards checks every 1-2 years.

Please be aware that some categories such as mould and dampness are not able to be assessed purely by sight and require specialised equipment and experienced inspectors to know what to look for.

Don't risk falling foul of these regulations and facing those steep fines. Stay proactive and ensure your rental properties meet the minimum standards set by the Victorian Government. A RentSafe Rental Minimum Standards check ensures your properties are compliant, safeguarding your owners' investments and the well-being of their tenants.

Log into your portal to book a Rental Minimum Standards Check.

Don't have a portal? Email us at to find out how you can get a portal for your agency.

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