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Quick Tips to Beat the Heat this Summer

Marketing @ Taskforce
Now that we're only just over a month away from Christmas (yep, time to get shopping) the days are getting longer and the temperatures are rising.

Granted, if you're in the southern states summer still feels like it's not really hit full steam, but get ready - the BOM is predicting that this summer will be one of the hottest on record.

If you have to be out and about for work, we've collected some quick tips to help you stay cool and focused on the job - think slip, slop, slap with a few extras added in for good measure:

Stick on the sunscreen

We all know it, but putting on sunscreen 30mins before you're heading out and reapplying regularly really does protect you from harmful UV exposure - The Cancer Council has some great options for all applications in all different sizes.

Dress for the weather
Keep up the fluids
  • Whilst beer might be tempting, alcohol will dehydrate you as will caffeine, so try to avoid these in the heat.

  • Water is your number one friend in the heat. If it's really hot try freezing a disposable plastic bottle of water, or better still, put an insulated water bottle on your Christmas list.

Timing is everything

If you can, avoiding the heat of the middle of the day is definitely recommended. Aim to be out of the sun between around 11.30am and 1.30pm depending on what state you are in.

Take breaks and aim for the shade

Don't underestimate the effect of heat on your body. If you feel like you need to sit down or have a short break, then you probably do. Taking the heat off with a short break in the shade and a swig of water can make a real difference.

Know your pulse points

Keeping your body's pulse points cool will help bring down your overall body temperature. Wrapping a damp cloth or bandana around your neck and wrists (which, along with your ankles, are particularly susceptible to temperature) can really help to quickly bring the heat down.

And don't forget your work vehicle!

Check your engine coolant levels to help avoid overheating the engine, and don't forget about the windscreen-washer fluid - the effect of the sunshine on a dirty windscreen can be blinding. Also, buying a reflective windscreen shade can make things a whole lot more comfortable when you're getting back into the car.

These are all steps you can take to make life a little more comfortable when you're working as the summer months hit!

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